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In honorem César Vallejo: Twelve Poems
Stephen Hart

1. Palace of Pain

Vallejo from me this chalice take
Vallejo the true Vallejo the fake

Vallejo Peruvian palace of pain
Vallejo trill Vallejo say

Vallejo trapped in Georgette's skies
books and hair the great disguise
Vallejo still Vallejo wise

2. Walking on the Snake

Thames, O my Thames
I cry dry tears into thee

Thames, O my Thames
I cry dry tears into thee.

Grey-dark dragon eeling to the sea
Mother sweet, mother fear

On London Bridge, on Waterloo
Your styx, your surge, your ethnic hue

Umbilicius of us all
Slowly, gently, still you crawl

Racial memories racing past
Mother soft, mother fast

Thames O my Thames
Dry tears I cry into thee

Thames O my Thames
Dry tears I cry into thee

3. Outdonne

Can't shake those spears like Will Shakespeare
Can't do my sums like John Donne

Can't feel the emotion of Andrew Motion
Or the 'so soon, so soon' of Paul Muldoon

Can't deal with the aftermath of Sylvia Plath
or the mannish ruse of Ted Hughes

Think I saw waving not drowning in Winchmore Hill
I'm mist, I'm grist to other poets' mill

4. Kepler's Law

Equidistant from my birth
equidistant from my death
careering forward
easting westward
snared by my sex
mawled by my mind
aching to catch a glimpse of my cortex
in the mirror in the hall
Ellipsis always equidistant
from my future from my past

5. Five Tears

In this tower of mud and metal
Inhaling exhaling boxes of steel
Itinerant belly
where the wind is not air
blown by angels
but by despair
I think of you my fair
your hazel eyes
your sexy thighs
your lies and your sighs
I think of you my dear
and shed five tears

6. Untitled

Genetically wilder curiously castrated
our working class
eddies forwards shudders backwards
eeling downwards soaring skywards
caught in councils of confusion
media mumbo in profusion
shouting strangely silent

7. A Clash of Personalities

Poetry, I hate you now,
when once I loved you.
I told you my problems
you always listened
a blank face sure enough
but at least you absorbed
my inken misery.

Now you just stare back.

8. Irish woman screaming

There's an Irish woman screaming in my hair
I lean forward she scratches the air
I lie back she's trapped
beneath her nails
the blood sails down my back
beneath her nails
Irish woman screaming in my hair

9. The ninefold enigma

flesh wrapped in bone
sin woven in salt
face dressed in body

spirit wrapped in flesh
Christ woven in stone
sex dressed in sweat

water wrapped in gravity
air woven in substance
mind dressed in matter

10. A Dream for Lent

Painterly gray grafted with stone
emerging from a glade of green
bursting Ely Cathedral from the fens
I standing there in the dream
behind my eyes looking at you
smell of watery iron in the air
men pay their debts in wergild
a tarmac road with yellow lines
squatting on the corn of a Roman way
I looking with longing
across the watery expanse of tar
and water and iron now in my eyes
and I no longer me but now
looking with longing
at the green grass
pierced and warm and red
like Christ's body
pierced by a phone box
And the tears aflowing from the
past to the present
And the tears aflowing from the
past to the present

11. If

If there were no light
then light's older brother would us all defile
within a sooty, satanic smile.

If there were no time,
then the numbers of philosophy and poetree
would nonsense make.

If there were no sea
then fish would our hands in church on Sunday shake.

But if there were no love
Yet still I would love thee.

12. Word-weaver

Today I turn my back on the past in
front of me.
Today I become the word-weaver,
the spectrum of human need,
your lover and your beloved,
the daily breed of human disaster.